39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
Matthew 22:39-40 KJV
On These TWO Hang All The Law
The reason why we must love our neighbor as we love ourself is so we do not sin against our neighbor. If we love them, we won't lie to them. If we love them, we won't steal from them. We must love God first and our neighbor second because we NEVER want to compromise God's Word for our neighbor. If you love your neighbor first, then love God, then you will compromise the commands of God in order to please your neighbor.
I used to love the game of football with all my heart. I gave everything to the game and sacrificed a lot just to make it to the NFL. There was even a time when I believed it was an honor to die on the football field. This type of love is supposed to be for God. I started to walk in this love for God my senior year in college at Florida State. That was the year I became an All-American and I saw how when I started to obey God, He rewarded me openly. My love for the Lord began to increase more when I spent time in the Bible, praying, serving, worshipping, and fellowshipping with other Christians.